Electrotherapy is excellent for weight loss procedure. This therapy is carried out using a special vibrating device using electric current. That’s why it can be done to the people who don’t have any contraindications to such therapy
What is the advantage of such thearpy?This procedure allows you to get rid of unwanted body fat and gives elasticity to your body. Since this therapy gradually reduces your body fat, skin not sagging. Due to the fact that the body is not getting any stress, tissue and fat cells are not contracting for protection and are easily decreased.
What happens during Electrotherapy session?The electrodes - placed on your body - will transmit computer-controlled waveforms, stimulating your selected muscle groups. This creates a huge energy demand on your muscles so surrounding fat will be burned for energy. It also agitates the fat cells for toxin release and cellulite reduction.
Where can this therapy Show the best results?İt is considered to be an effective treatmnet for such areas as belly, thighs, arms, legs, waist.
İs this therapy painful?You may feel heat and tingling. İt is unlikely to be considered as painful.
How many sessions are required ?This procedure is long lasting. Therefore, it is recommended for non-intensive problems. As for the treatment it is required at least 10 sessions sometimes 20 sessions may be applied.
How long does it last?One session can last about 40 minutes. Session interval is 1 in 15 days. İn case of any peculiarities interval programme can be changed by your doctor.
What should you do after the treatment?There are some issues that need to be considered during the treatment process and after the process. After the session applied area should be protected from irritation and sunscreen should be applied. Also it is important to moisture these areas. The most important is to eat balanced food and increase products assisting fat burning (vegetables, grapefruit, the diet should be considered to promote therapy. Acting as a fat burning food is important to consume. (Vegetables, grapefruit, green apple, cinnamon etc.)
When can you see the effect of the therapy ?You can see gradual effect after several sessions. At the end of the therapy you can get rid of unwanted fat deposits.
Can other therapy replace this treatment ?Yes, it can replace but you need to consult your doctor as every person is individual.
What is the price of the procedure?The price of the procedure may vary depending on the problem area. İt is difficult to determine exact price.