Non invasive genital aesthetics Genital aesthetics is becoming one of the most preferrable procedures. İt was proved that with the help of Proteme İntima device this procedure is considered to e very effective. Protégé Intima is a non surgical , non invasive procedure of labioplasty. Applied area reveals very fast..
What are the different types of Genital aesthetics?We all know that genital aesthetics is also called as Vaginal Aesthetics. With the developement of technology this kind of aesthetics has become very popular. Below is the list of procedures popular among patients:
- Labia plastics – genital aesthetics of internal an external vulvar lips.
- Phimosis vaginalis.
- Cosmetical effect of genital zone.
- Clitoral plastics , which is also called Clitoropexy / Clitoral Hood Reduction.
- Hymenorraphy or hymenoplasty- is the surgical restoration of the hymen.
- Perineoplasty (also perineorrhaphy) denotes the plastic surgery procedures used to correct. clinical conditions (damage, defect, deformity) of the vagina and anus area
- G Shot olarak adlandırılan vajinada bulunan g noktası büyütme.
- Enlargement of G -spot – erogenous area (filling of G-spot enhances its stimulation, improves activity of the vaginal glands, moisturizing, sensitivity)
- Pubic plastics.
- Outer labia enlargements.
All above mentioned procedures are done with the help of Laser. CO2 fractional laser is used for such surgeries as vaginal renewal and recovery. All these procedures become more and more popular every year.
Recovery period after genital laser surgery doesn’t last long time. This plastics can be combined with another aesthetic surgery.